The vision for Seymour Landing at Cowan Point is to create a place that provides the beauty and security of home as well as the warmth and engagement of community. This community is designed to have a range of homes, townhomes, cottages and cluster housing to invite families from all phases of life.
The marvelous setting at the foothills of the vast Crown Lands and Ecological Reserve provides stunning views into English Bay, Vancouver, its bridges, towers of light, harbour, University of British Columbia. Views continue west to the Strait of Georgia with the Southern Gulf Islands and Vancouver Island as the background.
Enjoy proximity to the nine-hole public golf course. Designed by Russ Olson, the golf course offers three sets of tee boxes and ensures a challenging and rewarding game for players of all skill levels. 3,003 yards, par 35. Dining is available at the clubhouse. See more at Bowen Golf.
In the future a passenger ferry from Seymour Bay to downtown Vancouver will mean just a short half-hour trip from all that Vancouver provides.
All this, while enjoying the nature and quality of island life in balance.
The numbers below refer to the numbers on the map at the top of this page.
1Seymour Bay Drive.
NEW to the market in 2023 are 7 single-family lots on Seymour Bay Drive. In keeping with the viewscapes of the area, these home sites will not disappoint.
2Held for Rezoning.
These properties are currently on hold, awaiting rezoning.
3Future Inn at Seymour Landing.
This location is unique in many respects. It is destined to become the charming, small-scale, seaside village core that past and current generations envisioned.
Its perfect setting above what used to be the historic Seymour Landing Pier to the east, and abutting the public 9-hole golf course to the west, will cradle the residential development of Seymour Bay Drive and Cottage Hill. This location will become as special as the island itself.
The Inn at Seymour Landing will provide guest accommodation and support services for weekend and vacation visitors, combined with spaces and facilities for attendees of seminars, special events, and retreats.
Easy commute to and from Vancouver and West Vancouver for guest and residents alike will be provided by a new landing dock served by a passenger water taxi.
The Inn at Seymour Landing is expected to become the heart and centre of the immediate Seymour Landing neighbourhood. A cherished destination for visitors from near and far. Further, the Inn is expected to add greater charm to the special character and the economic well-being of the island at large.
4Future Retreat Site.
The southern half of this magnificent waterfront property (District Lot 2448) will be the site of a very special retreat. The current name is “Bowen Island School for the Art of Living” to describe in simple terms the intended purpose of the retreat. The ultimate name may be different, but not the purpose, which is to provide place and space to ponder the questions of life.
The retreat will not be affiliated with any particular confession, religion, or spiritual school of thought other than to explore what may be considered sacred ways toward a joyous life.
The first few phases will consist of small cabins nestled among the trees and rock formations along the waterfront. Each site with its own mystique, close to nature, ocean, sky, and creation — connected by pathways. No cars in sight.
Eventually, when the time has come, there will be a “lodge,” the centre of the school. When? We don’t know. There is no rush for a school whose purpose is to teach wisdom.
5Future Residential.
Future residential properties are planned to be developed in these areas.
Click here for a history of Cowan Point.
Note: Prices and descriptions of real estate on this website are subject to change without prior notice. E&OE.
This community is designed to have a range of homes, townhomes, cottages and cluster housing to invite families from all phases of life.
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